Uncovering Legacies: Delving into wartime service records with the National Archives of Australia

Uncovering Legacies: Delving into wartime service records with the National Archives of Australia
From AUD $0.00
  • Location: Melbourne, VIC
  • Product code: PP55

Do you have the basic details about your family’s Australian
wartime service, but want to dig deeper? If so, this defence service records
masterclass is for you.

In this webinar, the National Archive’s Patrick Ferry will uncover
a range of sources to help you shed further light on your family’s military

This workshop builds on the introductory webinar held during
the ’11 Days of Remembrance’ program in November 2023.

About Patrick Ferry

Patrick Ferry is the Assistant State Manager of Public
Engagement for the National Archives of Australia in Victoria. Patrick is a
professional archivist, local historian and author who has undertaken extensive
research using defence service records and related sources. His book, Blood,
Toil, Tears and Sweat: Remembering the Pakenham District’s WW2 Service
Personnel, 1939 – 1945
(written with Wally Nye) won a 2020 Victorian
Community History award.